NFC Tags

Get NFC tags that are working perfectly with your iPhone

Please read

NTAG216 work best with an iPhone and are the NFC tags with the most available space you can buy. The links below are sending you to Amazon with the search term NTAG216. Please research yourself if the tags you are looking at are really NTAG216 (check description, check reviews). Also check the lower entries in the search results. They might offer a better price/performance ratio.

🇺🇸 United States 🇺🇸

NTag216 on

By purchasing NFC tags (or other products) through the link above, I get a small portion of the unaltered purchase price as support for the development of NFC & RFID for iPhone.

🇩🇪 Germany 🇩🇪

NTag216 on

Durch einen Kauf von NFC Tags (oder anderen Produkten) über den obenstehenden Link erhalte ich einen kleinen Anteil vom unveränderten Kaufpreises als Unterstützung für die Entwicklung von NFC & RFID für iPhone.